I don't know about you, but I personally don't follow the three laws of robotics.

Just some random guy

Robotics Engineer


Boston, MA

Joined on 4/13/14

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TheDyingSun's News

Posted by TheDyingSun - July 18th, 2018

I have two drawings that should be done soon (remember last time I said that?). And, heh, I kind of hated it, but that means there's a lot of room for improvement... my first cartoon was released Monday! I'm planning on working on  somthing for round 3, but I won't be at home for a week in the middle of that, and I haven't been at home for a while now, geez. I want my normal set up back.

I went out around Lancaster with @Temariix over the weekend and it was fun! Check out her lastest news post if you want to read more about that. (The ice cream was delicious)

And that's about it!

Destination Deep Space is looking cool af though.



Posted by TheDyingSun - May 17th, 2018

I overshot, again. We are still working on Jimmy and His Father, but we started to have consistency errors within the characters because Stream and I split the scenes. Next week I will be pushing myself to finish two drawings (even during state testing). Pico Day has also set a new standard for me quality wise and it was really fun to finish that drawing! That's about it for now. Cheers!


Posted by TheDyingSun - May 5th, 2018

It's late in the night and Pico Day is almost complete, but I'm still getting this in:

Happy Pico Day! And, thank you Newgrounds. You provide an amazing site for creators and everyone tries to support everyone else. It's been a lovely experience at the meet-ups with each time getting me more and more inspired! There is a magic to those nights, and I smile every time I think of them.


Posted by TheDyingSun - April 21st, 2018

   Well, it's coming up on the end on April and... I still haven't posted a new drawing since March. >.<
Then again, everything has been pure insanity up to last weekend! Two robotics competitions and Last weekend I competed in a SkillsUSA competition for 3D Animation. We did ok.... but the animation didn't export correctly after rendering. It was a lot of waiting. Waiting to go to compeition, waiting to start, waiting for everyone to be finished... you get the idea. We didn't place, but we can definately beat em out of the park next year!

Moving on to Jimmy and his Father!

   We have a new voice actor working with us! I had him and StreamMachine read through a scene and they did it beautifully! We still have to finish the Episode 1 script. Stream and I know where we are going with the series so filling in the details for every episode shouldn't be too hard. (It just always comes down to time). I also need to check into it more, but I want to start using Blender as our 3D animation program instead of either Flash or OpenToonz.

   I had everything set up on a calendar for me to already be working on a Pico Day drawing, but as usual, that fell through and I'll probably staying up to midnight on the 4th.

   I have been working on other drawings, and I have been getting faster. Still, I love doing detail work with a burning passion! (Somehow)

And that's about it. Sadly, all of my other projects can't be squeezed into the time I have at the moment.


Posted by TheDyingSun - March 3rd, 2018

So as Febuary is wrapped up, one of my drawings is being wrapped up as well! Hopefully later today! And to those going bowling tonight see you there! (I will be beating @IvanAlmighty in bowling! Well, hopefully.)

Continuing into this month, I will be busy, especially with two robotics competitions arranged on my weekends (which is when I usually draw now). April is kind of booked as well, as I have to study up on Blender for ANOTHER competition. After that is all my Pico Day prep, and then... Demon Week. Demon Week is a little something I'm posting a drawing a day of either demons or creatures from the beyond. I want these to be high quality, and I've already started on two of them. If you want to join me with that, go right ahead! It's the week of May 24th and it starts Sunday.

See you at Revolutions!

(I can't mask my excitement for tonight!)


Posted by TheDyingSun - January 15th, 2018

So between Christmas and now I reached 40 fans! I'm still going to celebrate the small numbers. 40 people is most certaintly enough to make a good art group, ey? Possibly even a small business. Anyway, THANK YOU!!!

And today is my birthday! I didn't get around to doing a birthday drawing (yet, hopefully tomorrow), and whoo! It's been (insert my age) and they haven't killed me yet! Though I got a 4x4x4 Rubix's cube that will be the bane of me during robotics season. And yeah, that's in full swing, I forgot to mention that my twitter is slightly more alive. 

And yup, I should have something ready for Pixel Day, I have it marked down.

See you guys then!!! Cheers!


(Yes, I whipped that up in a minute)


Posted by TheDyingSun - December 30th, 2017

     The other day I uncovered my reflections from last year. The old me was saying there's so much we could have done in 2016, and in 2017 I'm very happy with everything I've been able to do. WIth robotics, my drawings, animation, 3D animation, and getting a bit of everything.

    As for this upcoming year, I'm slowing down on drawing to work more on animation. If you've read one of my earlier posts, I have Project Noir, Tiyaka, and Madness Discoification as animations I'm working on. Adding on to that list is Jimmy and his father, a series I'm working on with @StreamMachine00 . (I've been telling him to spruce up his Newgrounds) This was more of a sparratic story that came about, Steam had gotten a mic for Christmas and started sending me voice lines of a father and his son Jimmy. I asked if I could animate the voice lines, and then we started to work on a series for the two.

     Well, with these animations I want to do, that means I'm going to be finishing less drawings. Still working on anatomy, getting better. I have gotten my feet wet with 3D animation and will be part of a SkillsUSA competition.

     And build season for robotics starts in about a week. Funny thing is, this year is an 8-bit game theme, so I'll be drawing for Pixel Day. (It's not like I've drawn something correlating to the years game theme before *cough* Steampunk Scraps *cough*)

     This year was a personal best for me, and I want to top it in the new year. That said, Happy New Years and Happy Build Season!


(This was just a sketch of a drawing I wanted to do for the New Year. Anyway, cheers!)


Posted by TheDyingSun - November 9th, 2017

So yesterday I started up an Unofficial Newgrounds Discord Server, so come on in!


Any other news at the moment? Just working on a drawing (and a safety animation) as usual, nothing special.


Posted by TheDyingSun - November 1st, 2017

(Not in that order)

Projectors: I was at the Ambler Theater Sceening last week, which was AWESOME! It was really fun to meet up with the other artists on the site, big and small. Tom really has to do something like that again. And now I have a tankman figure staring down at me anytime I'm drawing... (There's so much I could say about this)

PROJECTS: Also last week, well, two weekends ago, I was animation for Jazza's animation challenge. Didn't finish, entered it anyway, etc. HOWEVER, this experience really got me to love animation! This brings me to....

Plans! In 2018 I want to work and finish three animations (Probably two will actually be finished): Project "Noir" (Place holder name), Madness: Discofication, and Tiyaka (Possibly a place holder name). Now, Madness: Discofication is ofcourse, for Madness Day, and I'm going to be working with @StarButterfly17 on another animation about Madness.

Pumpkins: HAPPY HALLOWEEN! I didn't finish up Day 3 of Goretober yet (sadly), and I don't want to do the Huevember challenge because....

PIXELS: So... for the majority of you, you have no clue what FIRST robotics is! This year is themed around arcade style video games, and I'm doing a safety animation... to try and help my team win the Safety Animation award... (back to late nights) I still should be doing something for Robot Day... hopefully.

And as a last kicker, this is the animation I finished for the challenge I was talking about:

SO! Back to my insanity!


Posted by TheDyingSun - September 26th, 2017

All I can say is thank you. I know it's a slow start and I haven't really posted frequently, but I'm glad I've been able to share drawings with you guys.

I know I didn't make a "Happy Madness Day" post, but madness day was nice this year. I enjoyed drawing Tricky.

Anyway, already working on a new drawing, something a little brighter (litterally and metaphorically). Hopefully I can stay up on the schedule of either Inktober and Goretober (I want to double up using boths prompts for the day). @jackajam and I are following a Goretober schedule from last year. Happy drawing!