So between Christmas and now I reached 40 fans! I'm still going to celebrate the small numbers. 40 people is most certaintly enough to make a good art group, ey? Possibly even a small business. Anyway, THANK YOU!!!
And today is my birthday! I didn't get around to doing a birthday drawing (yet, hopefully tomorrow), and whoo! It's been (insert my age) and they haven't killed me yet! Though I got a 4x4x4 Rubix's cube that will be the bane of me during robotics season. And yeah, that's in full swing, I forgot to mention that my twitter is slightly more alive.
And yup, I should have something ready for Pixel Day, I have it marked down.
See you guys then!!! Cheers!
(Yes, I whipped that up in a minute)
Happy birthday! ;3