Heya guys!
I am done most of my applications and I wanted to post this before I get caught up with robotics this weekend.
And of course, a preliminary announcement:
I’m still looking for a voice actor for Lily for the Telebuddies! For how to approach me on that please follow the details outlined in the original post here. I’ll post this in the collabinator if I don’t get another person, but I’m still in a tad of a tight spot here for time.
SO, first things first. You all are gonna make me mother fluffin’ cry. Over December I’ve been happy to help @GeoKerulei with the Advent Calendar and see everyone being brought together with it. Special thanks to @Sevi who stepped in as back up since I couldn’t make it for Christmas. I can’t thank you guys enough. Thank you @BrandyBuizel for keeping everything in line for the collab too and @NickConter for the snow sculptures! The musicians we’re amazing too and I found myself humming the songs even outside of game. Everything was awesome and I’m excited to help again later on this year!
It was genuinely nice to see others draw me in their comical ways too for these last few collabs as well. Since October, I kind of felt a little divided. I had to run off to do all of my testing for college and I appreciate the patience from the entire Newgrounds community and my friends for all the insanity I’ve been in. It was lovely to come back to see the silly nonsense everyone was involved with and all the collabs and new animations!
@Snackers started up Duncan and Jones, and I’ve been loving it!
@Dogl has been doing beautiful voice work everywhere and he has the voice of an angel let me tell you!
@Oddlem keeps coming out with beautiful pieces, she’s a goofball, but in the best way possible.
@irri is always keeping things fresh with his artwork and is part of the reason why I now have 6 succulent cactuses under my care.
There are so many others, and if I didn’t mention you, know that I love you too!
For this year, I have to say it’s looking up.
As odd as it sounds, I’ve been learning more about myself through the college application process. The applications forced me to be completely and utterly open about who I am. My love for AI and my ultimate goal for Artificial Consciousness, my love for art and how it grew into my love for robotics, and how I came to be a person that tries to put my all in whatever I can.
Those, alongside talking to my friends, had helped me become more comfortable in who I am, in every way. I tend to be a little bit of an over thinker and fear the worst, but it’s been ok. I’ve just been normal, absolutely insane, and “needing to sleep version” of me.
I do need to get used to my close affiliation with my art and Newgrounds though. In a way, it’s like hiding the fact you’re dating from the rest of your family. You love them dearly but it’s kind of awkward to tell your family because you don’t know how they’re going to react. That’s how I’ve felt through most of my college applications when I mentioned Newgrounds. I’ve been open about it in some of them where I felt comfortable talking about it. I am proud of the Newgrounds community and my affiliation, it’s just something I’m almost used to since I’m the face for several other communities.
Speaking of communities, I wanted to do some updating about all the other ones I’m working with, mainly SkillsUSA and FIRST Robotics.
In SkillsUSA I’ve been training other competitors for 3D animation and Pin Design. That’s about it, and I’m thinking about auditioning for singing the national anthem. I’m no opera singer, but I love to belt out singing!
In FIRST robotics our robotics build season started last week and I’ve been working on designing and prototyping (as much as I can since I’ve been exhausted). I’m still doing announcing, and it’s such an exciting experience!
As for moving forward, In my last update I said I’m working towards an online store. I’m still keeping the ball rolling on that and I’m working towards preparing pieces for print.
But that’s just all the updates about the things I’m doing. What about me?
The months I’ve been MIA have been interesting. In the past my soul for robotics had been thrown to the way-side and was even scared to return. In October, it started to return at full force. Robotics is my true love and many pieces of my life make sense now looking back through that lens. I can say, fear most certainly gets in the way of things as while I work towards things, fear is usually what tells me I can’t do it. However, you have to be willing to take risks and experiment. As is true to me, my art style changes every week DUE TO experimentation.
Still, your guys’ love and support is what keeps me going. I tend to pile work up for myself, if it’s anxiety or my way of cheating death, I don’t know. Nevertheless, I don’t focus too much on everything I’ve already done and just keep working. It’s you guys that remind me that everything I do is important. You remind me I’m more than just a kid from New Jersey. And most importantly...
You all make me proud to be: