Good morning everyone! I'm coming from Ramp Riot at Wissahickon Highschool in Ambler Pennsylvania!
Ramp Riot is an off-season F.I.R.S.T. Robotics Competition event with the 2018 season's game being called First Power-Up! If you're interest at the current moment and if you're in the area... come on up! Take a look at some videos of FIRST Power Up competitions if you don't know if this is your kind of thing. I know watching six robots at a time compete isn't exactly to everyone's taste, but you can feel the energy in the air! (It's not Battle Bots, please don't get your hopes up for that!) An FRC Event comprises of about 30+ teams of highschool robotics teams that competer, to well, win. But still maintain Gracious Proffesionalism and learn from out losses!
Also you can look up Ramp Riot on Google and you'll find more information on the event.
Besides the big plug for the robotics competition, I know I've been dead for about 2 months (and more if you count me going without an update) now ever since I posted "Firefly Vortex". I have been busy AND productive. Robotics kicked off fanomaly in September and has been keeping me busy and helping me learn more about robotics than I ever knew before! I've been getting into the programming side, and I half know what my code is, half... well... don't. Nevertheless, it's been fun! I've been working on my scene for the Bartman Reanimate Collab, and I have a drawing in the works that is coming out wonderfully (or atleast in my eyes). There is one last thing.... but sadly that might not come out for months, so I'm not gonna get hype about it.
I've been able to visit the lovely @Termariix twice over the dead time I've had. I was able to meet her sweet cat Peanut, who is soft as silk as I do have to say myself. We were able to go around the "Bridge Bust" near Lancaster as well earlier this month. It's been unexplainably sweet to be able to visit her and talk about art and animation!
Switching, you can feel the music in the stadium. The bass boost is awesome! AND I CAN FINALLY SEE THE SUN PEEKING THROUGH THE WINDOWS!!!!