"Let's see what kind of trouble we can get ourselves into"
*spreads bubonic plague over all of Europe killing two-thirds of the population*
"Let's see what kind of trouble we can get ourselves into"
*spreads bubonic plague over all of Europe killing two-thirds of the population*
This is why I love you guys
Happy Pico Day fellas!
Lovely work man! I do have to agree with Igyzone on this one that it looks more like an intro, and I would find it interesting to see what would be after it. For the changing camera view with the characters, keep in mind that things in the background move slower and things closer move faster. Keep up the good work, and I would love to see more madness cartoons in your style!
Nice job! I had a good laugh, and everything was decently animated! The voices were good, but be aware of the volume fluctuations. They can be kind of distracting to the overall cartoon. I would love to see this continue! Good luck!
Good to know dude. I'll see if I can go back and fix up the audio later on.
I applaud you dear sir.
Either than that, I love how you recreated the characters! The expressions were very well done and the lip sync was good. Try to find some way to create more interesting looking repeating animation. such as with flames, you can create 5 different flames within a loop with a prime number of frame which make the flames only repeat exactly at the same time as all of the prime numbers multiplied together. Try to be careful with tweening. While it is a powerful and useful tool, when it is used wrong, it's usually quite obvious. Still, keep it up! This was an awesome recreation!
(Yes, all that for a meme)
Great choice of an episode to work with. When they mentioned the 5th dimension I started to laugh internally because I knew they were gonna do something crazy. Nice job presenting the piece. (just needs a little work for the tween transitions, ask Ross... he's on NG) I like how you personified them teaching a science class... I wonder what would happen if a professor actually did that... Anyway, good job and keep it up!
Great story! The ideas incorporated within it are awesome! I liked how the guard played along with the kid and all the different historical groups and the "Buddhists in Nirvana" mixed in. (Also that avatar reference ^^) Just a lovely mix of everything! But, dang it Grimm... you had to kill that guy at the end?
Great job all together! Keep up the nice work!
I got a smile from it.
You presented the topic nicely and in a humourous way, yet you failed to learn to mix the colors correctly. I just can imagine a kid coming home
Parent:"So how was school?"
Kid:"I drew a man who was a house, and a house that was a man."
Parent: ಠ_ಠ
Just a thought. Nice job! Keep it up!
4 out of 10
*Laughs outloud*
Really fun man! Keep up the good work!
I don't know about you, but I personally don't follow the three laws of robotics.
Just some random guy
Robotics Engineer
Boston, MA
Joined on 4/13/14