Heya ya'll!
Over the past weeks I started setting up a Discord Server
I have been struggling to feel comfortable posting on my Twitter or Instagram in the ways I'd want (and have even struggled with some of my news posts on here), so I set up a server for more updates and sketches that I might not share or additional info no usually on my posts. (I'm also going to be using for a lot more updates on projects, i.e. Rick's Diner and others lol)
SO, if you're interested, when you join you'll see that you're just in a landing channel. Myself or one of my friends will give you a role to join the rest of the server and then you'll be all set!
It's also at the top of the stack of everything, and I love talking to ya'll and seeing what's up! Just I've only been able to check Discord consistently.
Cheers, and hope to see ya'll there!
I also have a Discord Bot that's based off of
Ponyboy running on the server as well!
OH boy it begins
Oh god, I don't want a f*cking server fire, I'm *trying* to avoid that lol